Issue 8.2 Is Here!

Ponder Review welcomes:
- Fiction
- Flash Fiction
- Creative Nonfiction
- Poetry
- Short plays
- New media
- Visual art
Required Format: Times Roman 12pt. All prose should be double-spaced. Poetry should be single-spaced. Include a brief (100 word) bio with your submission.
Ponder Review does not accept previously published material nor does it accept multiple submissions per issue. Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but contact Ponder Review immediately if your work has been accepted for publication elsewhere. Do not withdraw your entire submission unless you no longer want Ponder Review to consider it; instead send us an edit request if part of your submission was accepted elsewhere. Failure to follow these guidelines will result in your submission being denied. Please make all submissions through Submittable.
Ponder Review will notify writers and artists of their submission status via email. The reading and acceptance process can take up to 4 months. By submitting, writers grant Ponder Review permission to publish their work and acknowledge that Ponder Review is currently a non-paying market. Ponder Review requires first-time North American publishing rights and retains the right to reprint accepted submissions in subsequent anthologies even after publication rights have reverted back to author.
Accepted work is subject for use in any future anthologies, both digital and print, and Ponder Review asks that any reprints give first publication credit to Ponder Review.
Students and alumni of Mississippi University for Women may not submit to Ponder Review for at least 5 years post graduation or last enrollment.
While we accept past contributors in each reading period, Ponder Review asks that contributors wait one year post publication to submit to us again.
One story of up to 3,000 words (1,500 – 3,000 words preferred).
One nonfiction piece of up to 3,000 words (1,500 – 3,000 words preferred).
Short Play
One script excerpt or one act play of 10-15 pages. Please see plays published in our most recent issue for guidance on formatting.
Please note: These are the guidelines for a regular publication. Please check the contest page for the guidelines to our 10:4 TENN 10-Minute Play Contest.
One submission of up to five poems that combine to total no more than nine pages. May be submitted as one file or in separate files.
Flash-Fiction or Nonfiction
One submission of up to three flash stories or essays that combine to total no more than 1,000 words. No story may exceed 750 words.. May be submitted as one file or separate files.
Photography, photo essay, graphic short story, painting, collage.
- Photography, paintings, and collages: one submission of up to five images. Please submit a high resolution image.
- Photo essay: one submission of up to 3,000 words and with up to five images.
- Graphic literature: one submission of up to eight pages.
Please bear in mind that our magazine format is 6 inch x 9 inch. though we can reduce the size of a graphics file when we place it in the magazine, we don't want text or other details to become too small.
New Media
Podcast, spoken word, interview, short film, animation, and hypertext or kinetic literature are considered for our website
- Podcast, spoken word, and interview
- Short film and animation
- Hypertext story
- Kinetic poetry or prose
- Other: surprise us
Digital files will be hosted on our website and an artist's statement and a link will be published in the print magazine.
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